When the news emerged that MJ was moving to Bahrain as a guest, and in light of all those "pending" child molestation court-cases against him, plus the fact that he had settled out of court on more than one occasion; The million dollar question remained.. Could MJ ever regain his popularity ever again.. The media played a big role with snippets of news that the Governor Sh. Abdulla bin Hamed Al-Khalifa had cut a deal with MJ, there was news about Two Seas Productions, and a record for the Katrina victims and an upcoming album.
Even more recently on ABC's "Insiders Edition", MJ was charging Japanese fans $1,000 a pop for a 30 second chat and picture, which the average conservative Japanese thought was pathetic. In addition fans had paid a substantial amount for a long awaited come-back concert, well guess what... He left them waiting for two hours, the organizers had no other option but to let the "wannabe bands" take the stage. When MJ showed up, he gave the crowd a 2 minute performance before leaving. Thats what you call value for money.
Reality is that MJ is currently is debt, his millions have been blown away through a lavish and pathetic life style, all he has left is probably his assets and his "Neverland Ranch". If he keeps doing what he has been doing, he won't last long. MJ won't be remembered for his hits and platinum albums, but for his life-style that has led to nothing. Sad but true...
I guess that's the way it is...
17/8/2007 Capt. Arab
1 comment:
i loved MJ... I mean, how could you not, growing up in the 80's with the Thriller video, among others?
But he's just been going downhill.. I mean, the guy was a total legend, the performances, the music, the dancing.. But now, well, sigh... I hope he recovers, but he's already dug a pretty deep hole for himself...
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