The basic thought of just imagining something (God forbid) happen to your own child, can at the best of times be tormenting in thought. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to the family of Bader Mubarek, who have no idea of where their son is, will he ever come back, and the worst thought of all is what could have happened to him.
Sadly the more the days elapse, the dimmer the light at the end of the tunnel. At the same token, getting their house rebuilt on the instructions from H.E. The Prime Minister, and their house re-furnished by Batelco, is all in good faith and the intention being to somewhat lessen their pain. Nothing can replace their missing Bader, God willing they may forget with time, but the thought of not knowing will always remain unanswered.
Tomorrow completes a month since his disappearance on 10th July, 2007. Friends, let us all pray for his safe return God willing. Let us not give up hope, let us no allow the shadow of doubt ever to make us loose momentum. I appeal to whoever has information leading his whereabouts to inform the authorities, and bring an end to the waiting and anguish being suffered by his parents.
There is an old saying… You can not hide in Bahrain, it’s too small and everybody knows each-other. Enshallah, is all that we can say…
I guess that’s the way it is…
9/8/2007 Capt. Arab
Sadly the more the days elapse, the dimmer the light at the end of the tunnel. At the same token, getting their house rebuilt on the instructions from H.E. The Prime Minister, and their house re-furnished by Batelco, is all in good faith and the intention being to somewhat lessen their pain. Nothing can replace their missing Bader, God willing they may forget with time, but the thought of not knowing will always remain unanswered.
Tomorrow completes a month since his disappearance on 10th July, 2007. Friends, let us all pray for his safe return God willing. Let us not give up hope, let us no allow the shadow of doubt ever to make us loose momentum. I appeal to whoever has information leading his whereabouts to inform the authorities, and bring an end to the waiting and anguish being suffered by his parents.
There is an old saying… You can not hide in Bahrain, it’s too small and everybody knows each-other. Enshallah, is all that we can say…
I guess that’s the way it is…
9/8/2007 Capt. Arab
On the same topic, I was reading earlier on the GDN how Batelco has donated BD 20K to help refurnish Bader's Family House!
I'm not exactly sure as to how this can help bringing him back, or help them with their griefaaaaaaaaaa2
it's called PR
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